Caleb Kingston and App Design Tips was featured in a Side Hustle School Podcast
Jul 25, 2022I had the pleasure of attending a Side Hustle School World Tour event in Salt Lake City where Chris Guillebeau presents ideas on how to turn ideas into passive income. The timing of this event was perfect as it was within the same 30 days I launched my first ever online course on Learning Adobe XD.
The most striking story Chris talked about during this event was of a woman on foodstamps that created a Udemy course on baking bread and earned $86,000. This gave me an extra drive to push through my courses and beat this number.
Just a few short months in, my success and earnings were starting to grow, so I reached out to Chris and told him about my story and thanked him for the inspiration. I’m a bit behind on his podcast so as I was listening, I stumbled onto episode 413 where he featured my story about how I created my first 2 courses and gave his listeners advice they could follow to reach a similar goal of $1,000/mo in just a few short months.
I love that my story could be told to give value to his listeners and hope to expand on my story as I continue to grow my students and courses.
Thank you, Chris!
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